This is a blog for some of my illustrations and drawings, some quick studies and art exercises.
Here's my interpretation for "sorry". I had all sorts of ideas that were really too complex to do in a week, so I did something that is pretty straight forward. It's not always the little kid that breaks the toys!
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2:09 pm
wow ! great illustration !
Awesome illustraion! Very detailed. :)
wow great illo. his expression really captures the look of sorry. nice lil illo on the wall too, great detail
This is gorgeous and takes me right back to my're right, it's not always the little kids that break the toys, I remember when my Dad and brother broke the head off my little monkey that they'd been using as a football! They said sorry very sheepishly indeed.
Beautiful work!
nice work! i like the details and the textures
Great details! wonderful job!
I like your style!
I used to do that to my Barbies...
Your work is amazing! I followed your IF illo to your website and spent a long time looking at everything. Do you do all of your work digitally? I'm sure the wonderful people paintings on your website were done with real watercolor, no? What about the black and white stuff and the childrens book illustrations. I'd love to know more about your process. Do you start by drawing with a tablet or on paper? Sorry to go on, but was just so inspired by your work and wanted to know more.
Jana (
Absolutely beautiful! Great concept and very detailed! Brandi
I try to guess how the boy could have broken the doll! Really nice artwork! I like the girl's expression.
Just this morning I was thinking of that dandilion song, "mama had a baby, and her head popped off", and now I see these things do happen!
Awesome illio!!
Very accomplished illustraion, you must work very fast. Good luck with your blog.
Thanks to everyone who commented. Glad you like my stuff.
For Jana - I'm working mostly digital now - as it's quicker for me, no need to wait for the paint to dry and very much easier to make changes. I used to draw in pencil first and scan it in, then use the wacom for the colour, but now I do everything in the computer including the pencil roughs. At the moment the programme I use most is Painter IX.5 as I find it simulates traditional painting better than Photoshop, perhaps with a bit of tweaking in Photoshop at the end.
The work on my website is a bit old now (needs a bit of an overhaul). The colour work is mainly pencil with digital colouring, plus a few paintings in acrylic and one in oils I think. But you’re right the people section is pen and watercolour.
My black and white work on the website was a few years ago now too. Very enjoyable to do. I did it on scraper board (or some call it scratch board). If you're not familiar with it, it's basically a bit of thick card with a layer of white clay, with a layer of black ink on top. Then you draw in reverse and scratch off the black (I used a scalpel to get very fine marks) to reveal the white. You can get some very dramatic effects!
I am totally in awe over the fact that you can create such beautiful paintings digitally. All you submitted pieces are fabulous and your website is truely enjoyable. I am so glad to be able to view so many great artist's work through IF. So thank you, it is always inspiring.
Fantastic!! Great work.
Very, very nice.
Wow great job with the detail!! The expressions on both faces really say a lot. The texture is a nice touch as well. I also like the little drawing on the wall.
Skill, technique and humour.
But who drew the doodle on the wallpaper?
ta ta
who drew on the wall? must've been my inner child ;o)
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