26 September 2006


I did this because I simply have a soft spot for Swords and... well... swords women too I s'pose! Who hasn't eh!?

21 September 2006

Fiona Sansom Square on the AOI Digital Tapestry

I've joined in on the AOI Digital Tapestry. The theme is Love & Affection. If you want to join in you book 4 175x175 pixel squares from the AOI either horizontally, vertically or in a square. I chose a square just because I thought it would be easiest.

As you can see below the square that appears on the screen is quite small... 80x80 pixels.

This is it at the requested resolution of 350 x 350 pixels.

The below was the whole of my original idea... but I thought that there was probably too much going on for such a small image, so I cropped it.

Oh well. ;o)

Click on image to enlarge

The final Tapestry should be interesting!

14 September 2006

Paulo the Pirate

I have just participated in a Travelling Sketchbook with the theme of 'Travel' (funnily enough) with a group of other illustrators. It's still doing the rounds.

My husband was very keen for me to do a pirate, so my entry for this project was Paulo the Pirate.

I had to do a spread, so I separated it into two pages.

Check out the Travelling Sketchbook blog for more.